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Planning Board Minutes 10/26/06
The Monterey Planning Board
October 26, 2006
Minutes of the meeting

Members present: Brian Puntin, Janet Cathcart, Cindy Hoogs, Maggie Leonard, Stephen Rose, Mike Erkkinen (arrived 8 ish).

Public present: Mike Parsons, Jess Worman, Stefan Grotz, Tom Rosenthal, Alice Hanlon, Rick Mielke, Kay Purcell, Wayne Burkhart

The meeting was opened at 7:05 p.m. Mike Parsons from Kelly, Granger, Parsons, & Associates was present for the Planning Board vote on the plan submitted by Barry and Marjorie Jaffe. The board reviewed the documents that were generated by the complicated plan and voted 4-1 in favor of endorsing the plan as an ANR. (For background on the Jaffe plan please see minutes of 9/14, 9/28, 10/12, and 10/23.)

Tom Rosenthal and his attorney Stefan Grotz presented a plan for the Rosenthal property at 10 Riverwood Way. Rosenthal is selling his house located on parcel “B-1” which consists of 7.433 acres and he is considering building a house on the abutting property, parcel “C-1” which consists of 6.860 acres which he also owns. According to Rosenthal if he is to build on parcel C-1 the best place for a new septic system to be installed is on parcel B-1. The plan shows a line change where parcel C-1 would add approximately 75’ X 75’ square from B-1 in which to place a new septic system, and that would become part of parcel C-1. Planning Board member Maggie Leonard recused herself from the proceedings since Rosenthal is her employer. The board reviewed the plan and unanimously voted to approve the plan. The plan was signed and a check for $40 was received.

Alice Hanlon presented a land division plan to the board for her property on Mount Hunger Road. The plan depicts three parcels: parcel one is 221.872 acres with frontage on Mount Hunger Road that exceeds 200 feet; lot 2 is 4.141 acres with 488.96 feet of frontage on Mount Hunger Road; and parcel 3 is 2.036 acres with 202.40 feet of frontage on Mount Hunger Road. All lots meet or exceed zoning minimums as to acreage and frontage and the board voted unanimously that the plan could be endorsed as an ANR. The board signed the plan and a check for $120 was received.

Board member Cindy Hoogs left the meeting at 7:28.

The board opened the public hearing at approximately 7:30 and the hearing was recorded on tape. Wayne Burkhart and Kay Purcell attended the hearing. The purpose of the hearing was to make changes and additions to the Subdivision Control Regulations. Leonard read the proposed changes that call for an increase in applications and fees, and outlined the procedure for the submission and approval of plans, and addressed the necessary adequacy of roads that lead to a subdivision road. Wayne Burkhart asked for a review of the change in fees. There was almost no discussion about the proposed additions and amendments. There being no further questions Brian Puntin made a motion that the board accept the draft additions to the Subdivision Control Regulations, which was seconded by Stephen Rose. All board members present voted in favor of the changes.

The board reviewed an application for a Special Permit submitted by Kevin and Jill Brenner for their property at 42 Elephant Rock Road. The board had reviewed a previous application for a Special Permit submitted by the Brenner’s for a ZBA hearing on July 12, 2006. Apparently at that time the Brenner’s withdrew their application without prejudice due to objections from their neighbors. The Planning Board submitted a finding for that hearing that found no increase in the non-conforming nature for that proposed project.

The property at 42 Elephant Rock Road consists of .39 acres or 16.901 square feet and a single family dwelling that encroaches into the sidelot setbacks that are required by current zoning. Therefore both the lot and the dwelling are non-conforming. The Brenner’s propose to demolish the existing non-conforming 4-bedroom house and reconstruct a 4-bedroom house with and addition for a garage. In a change from their previous application all of the new construction will be in conformity with the 15-foot setback requirements. (Current lakeshore district setback requirements are 25 feet; lots in the lake shore district existing prior to May 1986 have setback requirements of 15 feet front, side, and rear.) Another change from the prior application shows a total re-design of the proposed structure which lowers the height of the building. The board noted the changes and noted that the Brenner’s seemed well within their rights to receive a special permit. It was agreed that Maggie Leonard would write the finding to be reviewed at the next meeting of the Planning Board which is November 9, 2006.

The board was not able to approve the minutes from the meetings on 10/12/06 and 10/23/06 due to the lack of a quorum of board members who were at those meetings.
The mail was opened and read.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Maggie Leonard